Saturday, July 10, 2010

News in Library Diversity: ARL Diversity Publications

For current news about ARL's Diversity Programs including activities, research, scholarships, fellowships and more, you can subscribe to the Association of Research Libraries' Diversity newsletter by RSS feed found at Association of Research Libraries :: ARL Diversity Publications

Here's a sample from the most recent issue:
" The ARL CEP Fellowship: Is It Worth It?

Like some of the other ARL Career Enhancement Program (CEP) fellows who flew to Denver last winter for the Leadership Institute, I had feelings of anxiety and misgivings about the fellowship. I wondered, “Am I just going to sit through a bunch of lectures? Is this really going to help me in my career, especially with the state of the economy? How can it possibly do that?” Things lightened up when I met a diverse group of young, bright fellows from around the country. We had different backgrounds and lived in different settings but we were travelling the same journey. Then, we did sit through some lectures. Key leaders and strategists from the ARL community spoke about their projects and concerns. The amount of information we tried to absorb was overwhelming but at the end of the day, I thought, “What an exciting time to be in library school. I want to be part of this ‘revolution’.” "

-Report by 2006 SUNY Albany Library School graduate Sandra Baker for Synergy: News From The ARL Diversity Programs, Association of Research Libraries, Issue 6, June 2010, p. 5

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Diversity Resources at UW

The Graduate School at UW's website has many resources for students from diverse backgrounds, whether enrolled in SLIS, enrolled in another department, or considering whether to apply to grad school.

The Office of Graduate Student Diversity Resources provides support to students from under-represented groups campus-wide.

You might also want to check out the Multicultural Graduate Network that sponsors networking and other social events targeted at graduate students. MGN collaborates with the Graduate Student Collaborative (GSC) and is housed in Bascom Hall within the Office of Graduate Student Diversity.